Public Royalty Funk Shooter Black / Grey / Red |
On to my random thoughts, how long until Blake Griffin gets a signature shoe? And can we get Kevin Love a model with a real sneaker company too? Can't we go back to the day when Nike was making signature shoes for everybody without really making signature shoes for everybody? The Shake NDestrukt was Dennis Rodman's signature shoe without being called the Dennis Rodman. The Nike Air Force 180 was David Robinson's signature model without being called his signature model. Gary Payton had the Payton Zoom Flight "Glove" and Barkley had the CB Max 94. Just realized while watching Real Talk that Kevin Smith rocks Jordans which makes him even greater. Am I allowed to slap these little children who keep thinking Lil wayne is the greatest rapper ever? Look, I know dude has talent and I like his stuff most of the time but seriously, he's not doing anything that guys like Scarface and Outkast havent been doing for years. It's just that most rappers have dumbed down their lyrics to the point that actually having a little intelligence in your lyrics makes you great. How come Lebron seemed to be the only player on the East Squad to give damn last night? The Celtics guys seemed to think it was a big joke, Dwight Howard a/k/a "The Big Overrated" didn't even bother to show up, and everybody else was trying to make a name for themselves. I'll give Joe Johnson some credit too but he's Joe Johnson so he was just happy to be there. And can someone please explain to Chris Bosh his role? What the hell was he doing taking a three at that point in the game? And why exactly is Carmelo such a huge get for the Knicks? Isn't he exactly the same as Amare? They both score a ton but can't defend or rebound. I know people said Lebron and D-Wade are the same type of player but the both score, pass, rebound, and defend so they can work together but not sure how Melo and Amare fit togther. Enough for now, Cheapsoles.
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